After some thinking, I decided that the fast food industry has had the most affect on people's diets. Although some people choose to eat less healthy options now that McDonald's, Burger King, and other greasy fast food restaurants have become more popular, these horribly unhealthy restaurants (to me they're more like toxic waste warehouses) have, in my opinion, actually raised awareness about health.
I'm sure many people at New Trier have seen the movie "Food Inc.". This movie revealed to the public for the first time the disgusting things that go on behind the scenes at McDonald's and the like. Its viewers got a whole new perspective on food, and personally, I decided to become a vegan (though it only lasted for a few days). After "Food Inc." became more frequently watched in health classes, pictures like this>
went viral. This is a before and after picture of McDonald's chicken nuggets. If this doesn't disgust you, then I don't know what will.
I think that after the public was exposed to what they're really eating at fast food restaurants, people have become more conscious of what they're putting in their bodies. Many think that the easiest way to prevent eating chicken-nugget-type foods is to not eat meat at all, assuming that it is most likely processed in the same fashion.