This morning, I read an article that really shocked me. It was breaking news about America's relationship with foreign countries. There has been a lot of discussion recently about the NSA and what they have the right to do regarding the American people's privacy inside the United States.
A breaking news story indicates that the US is spying on other countries, specifically China, by surreptitiously inserting tiny USB cards into their computers. This cardinfects the computers with malware (aka spyware) which will allow the US to track what the Chinese do on their computers. Once the Chinese person connects the USB cord to their computer, American spies can tap into their computer. They put a briefcase filled with gadgets nearby, which are then able to connect to the Chinesecomputers, so the US government can read their computers. To me, this whole process seems kind of James Bond-like.
Coincidentally, China had been doing the same thing to us. When President Obama found this out, he was infuriated and "protested" this kind of action against the United States. Hmm, doesn't it seem a little unfair that America spies on China, but when China does the exact same thing to us, we get angry and demand that they stop? It does to me.
That's the whole idea of American exceptionalism - we can do anything we want, but other people aren't allowed to do the same things to us because we're America. In America's world, we're the kings. Sometimes this mindset can be good, and sometimes it can be bad. Do you think the idea of American exceptionalism is beneficial to America or do you think it hurts us more than it helps?

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