Two pages, titled "I'm working a double shift", are dedicated to photos of pregnant students or students that have already become mothers.
This is shocking to me. The yearbook is a place where the student body should be recognized for their achievements. Imagine forty years after you've graduated high school you're looking through your high school yearbook with your children, reminiscing about your young days. Suddenly you come across this page and say "Oh yeah, that was Ronnie. She had a kid when she was a junior". What would your kids think? What would you think?
Originally, the pages were supposed to address the hardships and struggles of being a young mother in high school. However, I think that they are (unintentionally) glorifying teen pregnancy by giving these teens 15 minutes - actually more like a lifetime - of fame. Helen Hollands, a Mesa Public Schools spokeswoman, states that "a yearbook is to commemorate the achievements of the students, particularly the senior class. Probably this would not fall into that category". I completely agree with her; teen pregnancy is not something to advertise.
The website that published this article also posed a question: Should high school yearbooks feature photos of expectant students? I thought this would be a no-brainer; no way should a school dedicate pages of its yearbook to pregnant students! I was somewhat surprised when I looked at the results of this poll...
Personally, I am pretty appalled by the idea of having several pages of a high school year book dedicated to pictures of pregnant students. Although the school may have decided to do this to decrease the rate of teenage pregnancy at their school, this is not the correct approach at all.